There are two options to move items in sitecore from one database to another database - Publish and Tranfer. This post explains how to move items using publish and transfer options in Sitecore.
This article explains you on how to add a new shortcut link at the bottom of content editor i.e., to adds a new shortcut say ‘MyApp’ at the bottom as shown below by editing Sitecore core database. This works even in the latest version Sitecore 8.
This article will focus on achieving page editor experience for a static page (page whose html content resides within the sitecore item fields) using XSL rendering in Sitecore.
This tutorial explains what a View rendering is and how to implement it in Sitecore MVC with an example.
This article will explain how to create a package in Sitecore and how to install it on another Sitecore instance. Or in short to move/deploy a set of changes from one instance to another Sitecore instance.
Responsiveness has become the must have feature of any websie now a days. As Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects, I am writing this example on responsive design in sitecore mvc using bootstrap framework.
This post explains how to create a controller rendering and related items like layout, templates, presentation details in Sitecore MVC with a simple example.
Rendering parameters can be used to pass parameters to sitecore presentation components. They are used to control the presentation of a dynamic component from page editor.
Yes, we can pass a sitecore populated view to a .net razor view in Sitecore with MVC. Here, I will go through a simple example on how to display social links to a website whose link name and its URL is provided at sitecore content item but needs to be rendered inside a razor view (.cshtml file).
Problem: To create an MVC 'View' bound with a 'Model' but without creating any controller in Sitecore MVC 7.2.